Birds of the Botanic Gardens
Yellow Warbler: Dendroica petechia; Local name: Yellow-bird, Titin, Titin-noel;
Family: Emberizidae (Sub-family: Wood Warblers)
Family: Emberizidae (Sub-family: Wood Warblers)
Description:: About 11-13 cm (4.5 – 5 in) long; body predominantly yellow, including yellow-green wings, yellow wing bars, and yellow spotted tail; but plummage tends to more grey in more temperate climates; male has reddish brown streaks on breast; eyes black with thin yellow eye ring; bill short, thin and pointed; tail short and legs yellowish; feeds on small insects; a year round resident in Dominica, but is also partly migratory, so numbers increase around Christmas when passage migrants arrive, hence local name, Titin-noel (noel for Christmas); seen variously throughout Gardens.
Arlington James, Stephen Durand and Bertrand Jno.Baptiste. Dominica’s Birds. Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division, Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment, Dominica, 2005
Yellow Warbler: Dendroica petechia. Bird Watcher's Digest, Marietta, Ohio, n.d. (
G.A. Gough, J.R. Sauer and M. Iliff. Patuxent Bird Identification Infocenter. Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, US Geological Survey, Laurel, MD. 2000 (
Arlington James, Stephen Durand and Bertrand Jno.Baptiste. Dominica’s Birds. Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division, Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment, Dominica, 2005
Yellow Warbler: Dendroica petechia. Bird Watcher's Digest, Marietta, Ohio, n.d. (
G.A. Gough, J.R. Sauer and M. Iliff. Patuxent Bird Identification Infocenter. Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, US Geological Survey, Laurel, MD. 2000 (