Selected Trees and Shrubs
Vitex divaricata; Common name: Bois Lezard, Huleumele
Plant Family: Belongs to the Verbenaceae or Verbena family, which includes Teak (Tectona grandis) and the shrub Blue Petrea(Petrea volubilis). [However, recent phylogenetic studies seem to show that several genera traditionally classified in Verbenaceae belong instead in Lamiaceae. These include Gmelina, Tectona and Vitex. Since the issue does not appear to have been settled, we have stuck with the traditional classification. Click here for more information].
Description: Medium-size evergreen tree or large shrub, with peeling bark; leaves opposite, palmate, tri-foliate and petiolate; leaflets elliptical to 10 cm long (4 in) and 6 cm wide (2.3 in), petioles to 9 cm long (4.4 in); flowers in axillary, panicle inflorescences, blue, funnel shaped, with few flowers; fruit a drupe (succulent and single seeded).
Natural Habitat: In Dominica, the natural habitat is the rain forest at lower to mid elevations.
Origin and Distribution: Native to tropical America and the West Indies, including southern Florida; in Dominica, found at lower to mid elevations, such as Clarkehall and Pointe Michel.
Uses: Caribs use timber for boards and shingles, and, medicinally, use powdered burnt bark topically to treat ulcers.
Dan H. Nicolson. Flora of Dominica, Part 2: Dicotyledoneae. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 1991
Robert A. DeFilipps. Useful Plants of the Commonwealth of Dominica, West Indies. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 1998
Description: Medium-size evergreen tree or large shrub, with peeling bark; leaves opposite, palmate, tri-foliate and petiolate; leaflets elliptical to 10 cm long (4 in) and 6 cm wide (2.3 in), petioles to 9 cm long (4.4 in); flowers in axillary, panicle inflorescences, blue, funnel shaped, with few flowers; fruit a drupe (succulent and single seeded).
Natural Habitat: In Dominica, the natural habitat is the rain forest at lower to mid elevations.
Origin and Distribution: Native to tropical America and the West Indies, including southern Florida; in Dominica, found at lower to mid elevations, such as Clarkehall and Pointe Michel.
Uses: Caribs use timber for boards and shingles, and, medicinally, use powdered burnt bark topically to treat ulcers.
Dan H. Nicolson. Flora of Dominica, Part 2: Dicotyledoneae. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 1991
Robert A. DeFilipps. Useful Plants of the Commonwealth of Dominica, West Indies. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 1998