Birds of the Botanic Gardens
Tropical Mockingbird: Mimus gilvus; Local name: Gwiv-blanc;
Family: Mimidae (Mockingbirds and Thrashers)
Family: Mimidae (Mockingbirds and Thrashers)
Description: Mid-sized bird, 23-24 cm long (9-9.5 in); close relative of Northern Mockingbird; has grey head and upperparts, with underparts white or whitish grey; has short black bill, yellow irises, and a broad, dark grey eyeline with white eyebrow stripes; wings are dark grey with two whitish wing bars; tail is long and dark grey with conspicuous white tips on outer feathers, and is usually cocked when bird is walking; forages on ground or in low vegetation feeding mainly on insects and some berries; while foraging, will frequently spread wings in a peculiar two-step motion, flashing their white wing linings, and then folding wings again; in the Gardens, will be seen foraging primarily in the economic crops section; click here to listen to its calls (compliments of 3-Rivers Eco-Lodge), and here to see its video..
Arlington James, et al. Dominica’s Birds. Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division, Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment, Dominica, 2005
James Bond. Birds of the West Indies. Collins, St James Place, London, 4th Edition, 1979
Herbert Raffaele, et al. Birds of the West Indies. Princeton Field Guides, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2003
Wikipedia. Tropical Mockingbird. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, July 2008 (
Arlington James, et al. Dominica’s Birds. Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division, Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment, Dominica, 2005
James Bond. Birds of the West Indies. Collins, St James Place, London, 4th Edition, 1979
Herbert Raffaele, et al. Birds of the West Indies. Princeton Field Guides, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2003
Wikipedia. Tropical Mockingbird. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, July 2008 (