Birds of the Botanic Gardens
Purple-throated Carib: Eulampis jugularis; Local name: Madé, Fou-Fou Madé;
Family: Trochilidae (Hummingbirds)
Family: Trochilidae (Hummingbirds)
Description: About 10-13 cm long (4-5 in); is largest of the Hummingbird species in Dominica; plummage a beautiful, shiney velvet, black or dark-colored overall; bill well defined, long and downward sloping; head and back a dark velvet hue; throat and breast purple, the basis for this species’ common name; wings iridescent, emerald-green, one of only two of some 320 species of hummingbirds to have iridescent wings, which whisper when bird takes flight; tail and upper tail coverts metallic bluish green; legs short and dark; feeds primarily on flower nectar, going rapidly from flower to flower; two notable differences between males and females, making them readily distinguishable - males are about 25% larger than females; but female bills are about 30% longer and more downward curving than males, allowing females to feed from a broader range of plants than males, and from flowers of different lengths; in search of food, this Hummingbird typically moves very quickly from flower to flower, seemingly in a mad or foolish way, hence its local name Fou-fou, “fou” being the French for mad or fool; seen variously throughout Gardens; click here to listen to its calls (compliments of 3-Rivers Eco-Lodge).
Arlington James, Stephen Durand and Bertrand Jno.Baptiste. Dominica’s Birds. Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division, Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment, Dominica, 2005
Ethan J. Temeles. All the right curves: in an island hummingbird, the shape of the female's bill enables her to feast on local flora inaccessible to the male. Natural History, American Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC 2002.
Arlington James, Stephen Durand and Bertrand Jno.Baptiste. Dominica’s Birds. Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division, Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment, Dominica, 2005
Ethan J. Temeles. All the right curves: in an island hummingbird, the shape of the female's bill enables her to feast on local flora inaccessible to the male. Natural History, American Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC 2002.