Birds of the Botanic Gardens
Lesser Antillean Flycatcher: Myiarchus oberi; Local name: Gros-tete, Gwotet;
Family: Tyrannidae (Tyrant Flycatchers)
Family: Tyrannidae (Tyrant Flycatchers)
Description: 19-22 cm long (7.5-8.5 in); has olive grey upperparts and reddish brown wings with two beige wing bars on each wing; underparts are grayish white anteriorly, and light yellow or yellowish posteriorly; (in both upperparts and lowerparts, very similar to Pipirite Gros-tete - M. stolidus;) has broad black bill surrounded by bristles at base; upper mandible has hooked tip; tail is reddish brown and of medium length; has grey legs; will be seen primarily at back of Gardens whistling from branches or catching small flying insects; click here and here to listen to its calls (compliments of 3-Rivers Eco-Lodge)..
Arlington James, Stephen Durand and Bertrand Jno.Baptiste. Dominica’s Birds. Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division, Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment, Dominica, 2005 James Bond. Birds of the West Indies. Collins, St James Place, London, 4th Edition, 1979.
Arlington James, Stephen Durand and Bertrand Jno.Baptiste. Dominica’s Birds. Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division, Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment, Dominica, 2005 James Bond. Birds of the West Indies. Collins, St James Place, London, 4th Edition, 1979.